Workshop content
In this workshop we will review the key principles of academic integrity discussed in the presentations and apply them to practical aspects of your classes.
First, we will consider assessments: written work and exams. We will discuss the uses of authentic assessment, determine whether current assessments are viable, and work together to revise or create new alternatives.
Second, we will discuss our syllabus policies. Are the rules for our courses encouraging students to cheat? We will consider our grading schemes, deadlines, and AI use policies to see if small changes can make a big difference.
Third, we’ll talk about how to prevent cheating on the assessments we do have. This will be a very practical discussion, in which we consider technological and humanistic ways to deter cheating and respond to cases of misconduct.
Fecha: 22 de noviembre de 2024
Hora: 2:30 pm
Duración: 3 hrs
Docente UANL y Público General
Cuota de Recuperación $5,000 (cupo limitado)
(habrá traducción simultanea)
Requerimientos para los asistentes:
- Un programa analítico y un trabajo académico/evidencia de aprendizaje.
- Traer computadora personal.
sfernandezl@uanl.edu.mx o innovacioneducativa@uanl.mx